Preaching in San Gil

Preaching in San Gil

On Sunday, November 15, 2015, we were invited to preach the three services at the Assemblies of God church in San Gil, Santander, Colombia. The day started at 5:30am as we got up and prepared for the 6:30 service. God blessed us with His awesome presence. The altars were filled in each service. Many people...

Pastor Jhon visits the US

Pastor Jhon visits the US

On August 4th, we had the opportunity to host Pastor Jhon and his wife, Marlene. These incredible pastors come to us from Charalá, Colombia. They are the lead pastors in the church there and are very special to us. God placed a passion in our hearts to see Charalá, and the surrounding areas, impacted for...


Christmas Shopping Day

Yes, it’s hard to believe, but it is that time of year again and you have the opportunity to do some Christmas shopping while supporting a great cause. “Christmas Shopping Day” is a yearly vendor’s event held to benefit Stirling Ministries as they work in the mountains of Colombia. There will be numerous vendors present...


Foundation Manna in Colombia opens!!

We are truly excited to see the opening of foundation manna for Colombia. After many years of praying and waiting Pastors Jhon and Marlene finally were able to see their dream become a reality. We are so honored to be a small part of what God is doing in Colombia. The program not only provides...


“Manna 4 Colombia” Offering at Faith AG, Oct 17, 2013

What an incredible day it was!! We had a wonderful time sharing about the ministry in Colombia; it was great to be able to bring a little bit of Colombian culture and tradition. This offering goes directly to the “Manna 4 Colombia” project; it will assist in purchasing a building, chairs, tables, and food.


Project “Manna 4 Colombia” approved

We are excited to announce that the “Fundación Manna para Colombia” was approved as a national foundation in Colombia. This is an important step and sets the stage for the project to reach other areas. Join with us as we give thanks to God for His incredible guidance.


Partnership with GO InterNational

We are excited to announce our partnership with GO InterNational, a missions organization out of Lexington, Kentucky. Check out their web site at for information about the organization and possible trips.  


Project “Manna”

This is an exciting new opportunity. With a high rate of malnutrition, about 40% of children between ages 5 and 13, there is an incredible need; project “Manna 4 Colombia” will directly address this issue. However, it will also address other problems. The project will provide nutritional counseling, health monitoring, and tutoring for the children....

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