Planning Team from Faith Assembly of God visits Colombia

Planning Team from Faith Assembly of God visits Colombia

  We were blessed to have Pastor Sal Reyes and brother Alan Williams travel to Charla, Colombia in September, 2017. Sal and Alan are part of a planning team at Faith Assembly of God, Hazle Twp., PA. They came to Colombia to see, first-hand, the needs that exist in the area, and to gather information...


Project Manna Videos

Project Mana para Colombia Video 2015 Project “Manna” for Colombia Introduction Video Project “Manna” focus on children Project “Manna” focus on mothers Project “Manna” Summary video  


“Manna 4 Colombia” Offering at Faith AG, Oct 17, 2013

What an incredible day it was!! We had a wonderful time sharing about the ministry in Colombia; it was great to be able to bring a little bit of Colombian culture and tradition. This offering goes directly to the “Manna 4 Colombia” project; it will assist in purchasing a building, chairs, tables, and food.

Why project Manna 4 Colombia

Why project Manna 4 Colombia

In Exodus we read that God provided food for the Israelites in the desert. In the morning they would go out and pick up this divine manna, and it would sustain them. It is appropriate then to call this project “Manna” as God has placed it on our hearts to provide for the needs of...


Project “Manna”

This is an exciting new opportunity. With a high rate of malnutrition, about 40% of children between ages 5 and 13, there is an incredible need; project “Manna 4 Colombia” will directly address this issue. However, it will also address other problems. The project will provide nutritional counseling, health monitoring, and tutoring for the children....